Our services


Specialized Information

  • India-Colombia business contacts
  • Databases by economic sector
  • Databases of Indian companies that have relations with South America


  • Business sessions in Colombia
  • Custom dealing desks
  • Organization of corporate events: Forums, seminars and academic lectures



  • Verify antiquity and incorporation of a company in India.
  • The obtaining of sponsorship for business visits to fairs in India.
  • Visa services.
  • Advertising on the website.
  • Creation of formats or inquiry forms.

Negotiation strategies

  •  Advice to Indian companies wishing to settle in Colombia.
  •  Advice of Colombian companies in commercial topics.

Legal advice and logistics

  • Advice to Colombian companies in legal and logistical topics.
  • Mediation in conflicts resolution.

Advisement on investment projects

Temporary Offices

  • Good space for business development.
  • Home, internet, phone
  • Flexible hiring

Commercial Projects to medium and large scale

  • Advice to Colombian and Indian companies in logistics and legal
  • Advice on conflict resolution
  • Business advice

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