Autor: editor filigrama

Promovemos los negocios entre Colombia e India

Mission Pharma India 2011

India is a country with a dynamic development of the pharmaceutical sector with annual growth of 13%. It is a major producer of generic, biopharmaceutical and relevant advancesin new drugs, also considered one of the most promising markets of the global pharmaceutical industry. The trade mission Pharma India 2011 is an enterprise program specially designed…
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junio 10, 2011 0

Misión Farma India 2011

India es un país con un dinámico desarrollo del sector farmacéutico, con un crecimiento anual del 13%. Es un importante productor de genéricos, con avances relevantes en biofarmacéutica y nuevos medicamentos; igualmente considerado uno de los mercados mas promisorios de la industria farmacéutica mundial. La misión comercial Farma India 2011, es un programa empresarial especialmente…
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junio 10, 2011 0

Agreement to eliminate double taxation between India and Colombia

On the morning of May 13, 2011 took place in one of the palaces of New Delhi’s presidential compound where is located the Ministry of Finance of India, the ceremony of signing the Agreement for the elimination of double taxation between India and Colombia. The negotiation process began in 2009 with a round of negotiations…
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mayo 13, 2011 0

Acuerdo de eliminación de doble tributación entre Colombia e India

En la mañana del 13 de Mayo de 2011 tuvo lugar en uno de los palacios del complejo presidencial de Nueva Delhi donde se localiza el Ministerio de Finanzas de India, la ceremonia de firma del Acuerdo para la eliminación de la Doble Tributación entre India y Colombia. El proceso de negociación se inició en…
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mayo 13, 2011 0

ASSAM, takes stake in petroleum contract in Colombia

Assam Company India Limited (acyl) bought 70% stake in an oil contract on the block El Triunfo in Colombia in an operation whose preliminary agreement was signed in mid-February with the government. Although the firm did not disclose the amount of the transaction, announced that it plans to drill in July this year to begin…
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mayo 10, 2011 0